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COVID19  - Getting Started Group Delivery

Healthy Living NT’s Getting Started Group has now returned to a face to face delivery.  You can download Type 2 diabetes information packs here.

Check out the NDSS MyDESMOND online program for people with type 2 diabetes. This online self-management program is designed to give you more tools to help you manage your diabetes and is offered along with our phone consultations. Click here to register. 

If you are able download these free blood sugar tracking apps, these apps can be used as a blood glucose diary and assist your diabetes educator in supporting you;

In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas is making insulin but the insulin is not able to act on the body’s cells to let the glucose in (insulin resistance). The pancreas then has to make more insulin. If glucose cannot get into the cells, there is too much glucose in the blood and eventually the pancreas cannot make enough insulin to keep the balance right. This can cause the symptoms and health problems related to diabetes.

There is no single cause for type 2 diabetes but certain lifestyle or risk factors are thought to contribute to its development. Risk factors include:

  • being above your healthy weight range
  • eating an unhealthy diet
  • smoking
  • a waist measurement above recommendations (80cm for women; 90cm for men)
  • not engaging in 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each day and
  • having a family history of type 2 diabetes

Previously known as non-insulin dependent or mature age onset diabetes Type 2 diabetes now affects people of all ages. As the most common form of diabetes it affects 85 to 90% of all people diagnosed with diabetes.

NDSS Important Links

MyDESMOND online program is suitable for type 2 diabetes management. 

FootForward NDSS program about diabetes and management of foot problems.

Diabetes Risk factor calculator provides information about your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

For more information, you can search for the information in our resources page.

Members of Healthy Living NT receive additional up to date information through regular communication, such as the Territory Way quarterly magazine. To become a member please click here.