Healthy Living NT (HLNT) is committed to working for the interests of people diagnosed with diabetes, heart disease and related chronic conditions living in the Northern Territory and to the provision of high quality services and health promotion to our members and clients. Our client consumer charter can be accessed here.
Established in 1980 as the Diabetes Association of the NT Inc., Healthy Living is an independent, member based organisation with a Public Benevolent Institute charity status with the ACNC.
The Diabetes Association of the NT is a member of the Good Health Alliance NT (GHANT), a partnership of Northern Territory chronic disease non-government organisations. We also maintain close relationships with State and Territory Diabetes Organisations around Australia.
Healthy Living NT is the Northern Territory agent for the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS), which is a Commonwealth initiative. Healthy Living NT also receives funding to deliver a range of services from:
- NT Department of Health
- Sport and Recreation, Department of Tourism and Culture
- NT Primary Health Network
- Commonwealth Department of Health
Healthy Living NT Governance
One of Healthy Living NTs key roles is to represent the interests and concerns of people living with diabetes, heart disease and related chronic conditions throughout the Northern Territory. One of our primary roles is to advocate on behalf of all people with diabetes and their families on a range of issues, including;
- Policy development - Healthy Living NT lobbies government and other bodies on behalf of people with diabetes
- Service provision - Healthy Living NT independently and through the Good Health Alliance NT, actively lobbies government and health funders to improve the scope and accessibility to vital services needed by people with chronic diseases in the Northern Territory
- Sharps disposal facilities for people with diabetes in the Northern Territory
- Driver’s licences, machine operator licences and the defence forces. Healthy Living NT continues to work with consumer groups and regulatory bodies to seek satisfactory resolutions in respect to these issues
- Schools - Healthy Living NT through our diabetes educators, work with schools where there are children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to ensure that a school and its staff are aware of their duty of care to children who have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes educators can also speak to the classmates of these children in order to teach them about the condition and to help dispel the myths that can sometimes lead to discrimination.
If you have any questions or need help in dealing with legal matters, workplace problems or other issues of discrimination related to diabetes, please contact us on 08 8927 8488 or email