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S​​​​​​​upport for Youth


Youth grant flyer
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Healthy Living NT recognises that the development of diabetes at a young age presents additional challenges and difficulties to both the child/youth and their family. Learning how to best manage diabetes as soon as possible after diagnosis and understanding there are others affected by the condition, can assist to reduce these challenges and difficulties.


Fellowship support, through the provision of financial assistance, is available to youth affected by diabetes who:

  • Are aged 18 years or below
  • Live in the NT
  • Are a current member of the Association and 
  • Have either type 1 or type 2 diabetes


There are no prescribed activities for the award of Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship support. However, examples of eligible activities could include:

  • Attendance at a diabetes youth camp.
  • Travel, travel insurance and accommodation costs for the child/youth.
  • Travel, travel insurance and accommodation costs for one accompanying carer, where appropriate.
  • Camp registration fees.
  • Purchase of a tablet or similar smart device to assist with joining and participating in web-based diabetes support networks throughout Australia or to access diabetes related apps or assist with diabetes management information.

Examples of costs which are not eligible for support under the Fellowship include:

  • Carer or youth wages/loss of earnings.
  • Cost of devices (such as insulin pumps) or consumables (such as CGM and pump supplies) used in diabetes management.
  • Ongoing operational costs.
  • Any costs related to research activities or projects.

How do I apply?

Children or youth with diabetes wishing to apply for Fellowship funding should review the Application Information and complete the Youth Support Application Form and send it to Healthy Living NT and submit it either by:

If you have not received an acknowledgement within 5 working days, please follow up by phone to 89 278 488.

Letters of support from your doctor, other health care professional or supporting organisation for applications such as attendance at a diabetes camp are not mandatory but can strengthen your application.

Frequently asked questions

When will the application be considered?
The Fellowship Board of Governors meets twice a year to consider applications. Applications should be submitted by no later than 31 May and/or 30 November respectively to be considered in the current funding round. You will generally be notified of the outcome of the application within 6 weeks of the closing date.

Will the Fellowship fund 100% of the requested support?
The Fellowship does not normally fund 100% of the costs involved in an activity. It is therefore important that you identify all the costs associated with your proposal in your application. The Fellowship does not means test its support; however preference will be given to lower income families or recipients with defined high needs.

How will the funding be made available?
Once Fellowship support is approved, a formal Fellowship Agreement will be offered. Funding is generally only made available on the production of receipts confirming payment for the approved activity. Payment will be made by EFT to the recipient’s/carer’s bank account or where direct payment to a supplier is made on behalf of an applicant, payment will be made directly to the supplier’s bank account.

If pre-payment is not possible for some families, then the Fellowship may consider providing funding in advance. If pre-payment is required it is important to note this in your application.

How is the funding/activity acquitted?
No formal acquittal of funding is required when funding is by reimbursement of expenses. However, where funding is advanced to a recipient, this must be acquitted by way of receipts.

In either case, the Fellowship would like to know about the benefit and value of the funded activity. The Fellowship would like a short report on the activity within two (2) months of its completion. Photos are also welcome.

What happens if the activity cannot be undertaken?
If the funding cannot be used or the activity is not able to be undertaken as proposed, Healthy Living NT should be advised at the earliest opportunity, including the reasons why it was not possible to undertake the activity as proposed. The Fellowship will consider whether to cancel the Fellowship approval or to allow it to continue on a revised schedule.

How will my personal information be used?
The information requested in the application form is sought by Healthy Living NT for the purpose of assessing Youth Support Fellowship applications. Your application will not be able to be processed if you do not provide this information.

Your personal information is managed in accordance with the Healthy Living NT’s privacy policy. Healthy Living NT may only disclose the information provided by you if required or authorised by law, or in accordance with our privacy policy, or in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant funding.

Personal information of Youth Support Fellowship recipients will be de-identified (anonymous) in any public reporting about the Fellowship or its activities.

Refer to Fellowship Administration Section for additional information relating to the Fellowship Governing Board, tax implications, privacy and contact information.

For further information, please contact:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 08 8927 8488 Fax: 08 8927 8515

Completed applications may be submitted by post:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship
Chief Executive Officer
Healthy Living NT
PO Box 40113

or hand delivery:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship
Chief Executive Officer
Healthy Living NT
Shop 1-3 Tiwi Place (Tiwi Shopping Centre)
TIWI NT 0810