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Community Grants Program

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Healthy Living NT believes grassroots, community-based organisations and groups are important drivers in supporting stronger and healthier communities. Through the Community Grants Program, the Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship supports the development of community-based solutions aimed at supporting healthier lifestyles and improving community awareness of healthy lifestyles through small preventive chronic disease health projects.

Project Eligibility

The Community Grants Program offers small grants up to $5,000 (GST inclusive) for NT community-based projects or activities which build capacity and improve health outcomes for community members who have, or are at risk of developing, a chronic disease, through:

  • Improving health literacy
  • Improving health knowledge 
  • Improving health behaviour or
  • Improving community participation in healthier lifestyles

This may be achieved through reducing risk factors associated with chronic disease, helping people or communities to live healthier lifestyles or through education or resource development.

As an example, projects may choose to target a population group within a community such as youth with diabetes, young mothers, men, children or the elderly.  Projects may also focus more broadly on key areas such as nutrition or physical activity. Or, they may be simple initiatives such as starting a community walking group or a community market garden or developing a specific resource.

The grants may support chronic disease projects or activities that:

  • Build the capacity of groups, organisations or networks,
  • Pilot or trial activities aimed at engaging the community in healthier lifestyles
  • Improve opportunity for people to engage in health and well-being activities
  • Resource development
  • Support small scale infrastructure or
  • Improvements directly related to a community chronic disease health project.

The Fellowship does not fund:

  • Wages or salaries
  • Retrospective projects or activities 
  • Assets valued at greater than $5,000 (GST inclusive)
  • On-going operational costs
  • Commercial events
  • Interstate travel
  • Research activities or projects
  • Activities which are a core responsibility of any level of Government
  • Activities or projects outside the NT.

Who can apply?

The program is open to NT-based incorporated organisations or community groups with not-for-profit objectives including non-government and Aboriginal organisations.

If your community group is not incorporated, you will need to partner with an organisation that is, such as a school, health centre, local council or arts or cultural organisation.

Applications from public sector agencies are generally not eligible, except where they are auspicing the activities of a community group. However applications of this nature should not seek funding for projects that are considered the core responsibility of Government agencies.  

Community groups or organisations wishing to apply for Fellowship funding should complete the form entitled Community Grant Support Application Form and send it to Healthy Living NT.

Assessment of Applications

Assessment of applications will consider the following factors:

  • How the project or activity will benefit the community’s health and wellbeing through health literacy, health knowledge or health behaviour
  • The project or activity is located in an area with demonstrated need or the targeted community has demonstrated high need and is one that usually has fewer chances to participate in health promoting activities
  • The project or activity provides new or enhanced opportunities for people to improve their health and well-being
  • The project or activity is well supported within the community
  • If you are working in partnership with other organisations
  • How you will support the ongoing delivery of the project or activity
  • The completeness of your application

When will the application be considered?

The Fellowship Board of Governors meets twice a year to consider applications. Applications should be submitted by no later than 31 May and/or 30 November respectively to be considered in the current funding round.

You will generally be notified of the outcome of the application within six weeks of the closing date. Once the assessment process has been completed all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application. A failure to receive funding may not necessary mean your application or project is not worthy. There is a high demand across the community for these grants, and this means that many miss out.

Funding requirements

Successful applicants will be required to sign a Grant Agreement that details the commitments between the community group and the Fellowship. Successful applicants will require written Fellowship approval to change the Grant Agreement, such as changes to major items purchased or the timelines of the project.

Acknowledgment of Assistance

Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the support of Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship through the use of Healthy Living NT’s logo on all promotional materials as media advertisements, press releases, signage at events and/or other methods as appropriate. A digital copy of the logo will be supplied. You may wish to invite Healthy Living NT to events, launches and other activities.


Please stay in contact about your project’s progress. At the end of your Project, we hope to have an evaluation on your successes and challenges, along with photos of the work you’ve done and the outcomes. We want to hear about what didn’t work as planned, what you would do differently and have learned from doing the Project, as much as your immediate successes.

Financial and Activity reporting at the end of the Project

Successful applicants will be required to submit a Community Support Grant Acquittal Report within 3 months of the project’s completion.

Please refer to Fellowship Administration Section of this document for additional information relating to the Fellowship Governing Board, tax implications, privacy and contact information.

For further information, please contact:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship, Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 08 8927 8488 Fax: 08 8927 8515

Completed applications may be submitted by post:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship
Chief Executive Officer
Healthy Living NT
PO Box 40113

or email:

or hand delivery:

The Bill Raby Diabetes Fellowship
Chief Executive Officer
Healthy Living NT
Shop 1-3 Tiwi Place (Tiwi Shopping Centre)
TIWI NT 0810